Thursday, December 7, It Begins . . .

Thursday, December 7, It Begins . . .

    In the City of Seven Walls, the cursed servant of a ruined House waits for the last scion to drink himself to death. So when the man is brutally killed, it expects to be free. Instead, the servant discovers that its curse outlives its House, and it must...

I have HOW MANY more days?

Wait, it’s the 16th? How can it be the 16th? Well… crap! It’s been a month of challenges and changes here. The next book is almost ready to come out and I’m up to my eyebrows with editing, creating marketing material, and figuring out timelines...


That’s right, folks. It’s time for one of my favourite Toronto-based Conventions. Ad Astra! If you don’t know about Ad Astra, click here. Then register. Then show up and hang out, because they’re great people! This year I am very excited...