Guess what?  I’m moving next week!

That’s right. Right in the middle (or nearly the end) of the pandemic. This week we’re packing up everything, and next Saturday we are out of this apartment and into another. We are fortunate in that we are only moving within our building, but, as everyone who has ever moved knows, it’s going to be a mighty big pain in the neck.

Meanwhile, I’m prepping the information to send off to my cover artist for the next book in the Stalker Chronicles: The Wire Noose.

And because I love giving teasers about my books, here’s a draft of the back copy. Remember, this isn’t the final, but it will give you an idea of what’s to come. When I get it finished, it will be fun to compare to this draft with the final words. Here it is:


When a magical creature kills a man, is it murder?

On Abyowith’s first day as an Assistant Stalker, a Councilman is found is garrotted in a locked room. All signs point to a miscreation—a magical creature—but why would a miscreation break into a man’s home and kill him?

And why, that night, does a voice in the darkness tell Abyowith, “Leave him alone!”

As the hunt for answers takes her from the halls of power to the city’s underbelly, Abyowith suspects that the murder may be part of something much larger, and that learning why the councillor died may be more dangerous than tracking the creature who killed him.